
Daylight "Saving" Time...What Does It Save, Anyway?

I've always liked long summer evenings, so I look forward to springing forward with daylight saving time every year. [more]

Former Pop Princess Figures Out Frugal? Go Bald!

Want to save big bucks on your flowing locks? Shave them off!

Behind the Times - I learn about Keep the Change

Bank of America's Keep the Change program is the modern solution to a change jar. Are you saving your pennies?

Flower Power - A Guide to Frugal Valentine's Flowers

Flowers can be a huge expense on Valentine's Day. Spend wisely on these frugal blooms instead!

It's NATURAL for me to spend as I do!

The new excuse for overspending: "Science made me do it!"

Afraid, Yet Smitten - You Haven't Heard of Violent Acres Yet?

Amid Violent Acres' delightfully jaw-dropping blog posts, you'l find some sound financial advice. Check it out!

Honesty: Truly, the Best Policy

Are you honest with yourself about money? Some of us could really use a financial reality check — from ourselves.

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