
5 Types of Overspenders — Which One Are You?

There are different types of chronic overspenders. Which one are you?

7 Signs You Have a Serious Spending Addiction

Spending addiction is real, damaging, and scary. If you recognize yourself in any of these signs, you may need to seek help.

The High Cost of the "Treat Yourself" Mindset

You might be able to justify a "treat yourself" purchase, but all those little treats add up to one big, stressful bill. What's it really costing you?

5 Ways to Stop Your Mindless Spending

One-click buying, impulse shopping trips… Learn how to keep more of your money by developing more money-mindfulness.

6 Ways to Resist a Splurge

A sure way to bust a budget is to cave in to every wish and whim. Get control of your urge to splurge and regain control of your money.

Best Money Tips: Signs You May Be a Shopaholic

Today we found some great articles on signs you may be a shopaholic, making your life easier by snapping a photo, and planning for worst-case scenarios.

How many human lives is a flat panel TV worth?

Listen, I know I can be an elitist sometimes, but I occasionally shop at Walmart. But regardless of how good the deals are, how could any, or all, of the merchadise inside a Wal-ma

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