shopping habits

3 Money Arguments That Can Hurt Your Relationships

You should really nip these common money arguments in the bud before they hurt your relationships.

28 Ways to Never Pay Full Price for Anything

Before you spend one cent on anything today, arm yourself with proven strategies that will help you avoid paying full price ever again.

These 6 Shopping Challenges Will Keep You Stylish Without Breaking Your Budget

If you've been stymied in your efforts to save money on clothes and accessories, make it easier by giving yourself a challenge.

6 Guilty Pleasures That Are Killing Your Budget

Don't let your guilty pleasure ruin your budget. Instead, see how much your habit is really costing you each year and how to better spend the money.

8 Ways Social Media Tricks You Into Spending More

Scrolling through your Instagram might seem harmless — until you've spent $300 on skin care from a brand you've never heard of.

7 Effortless Ways to Prevent Budget-Busting Impulse Buys

Impulse buys can really bust your budget. Here's how to resist the urge, without much effort.

What Does Your Junk Mail Say About You?

The kind of junk mail you receive can tell you a lot about the kind of person banks, retailers, and others think you are.

Here's How Too Many Decisions Costs You Money

Decisions, decisions — making too many can wear you out, and cause you to make some bad ones.

39 Mindless Ways You're Wasting Money in Every Part of Your Life

There are so many ways you're probably wasting money — without even realizing it.

9 Ways Your Lazy Habits Are Costing You

Time to get up off the couch and take control of your financial future. You can do this!

Flashback Friday: 23 Mental Tricks That'll Help You Save Money

The only thing between you and saving more money could be your mind.

6 Signs You're Not Frugal — You're Cheap!

Believe it or not, there's such a thing as being too frugal. It's called "being a cheapskate."

5 Mental Biases That Are Keeping You Poor

Your love of lattes might not be totally to blame for your low funds. Cognitive biases could be derailing every one of your money-related decisions.

6 Strange Ways Online Shopping Has Changed the World

The Internet has made shopping more convenient, easier, and way more fun. But there have also been some strange side effects...

8 Ways Retailers Use Big Data to Track You

Big brother knows a lot about how you shop.

6 Brands With the Best Warranties

If the products from these brands disappoint you in any way, rest assured that their customer service won't.

How to Shop With Purpose — And Save More Money

Science proves it; retail therapy is real. Harness the power of those buy now vibes to become a real money saver.

6 Ways to Use Google Alerts to Save Money

Aside from staying up-to-date on celeb gossip and breaking news, Google Alerts can also help you shop smart and save big.

Does Your Money Management Reflect Who You Truly Are?

The way you spend money might say a lot about your core values. Do your spending habits and your morals line up?

The High Cost of the "Treat Yourself" Mindset

You might be able to justify a "treat yourself" purchase, but all those little treats add up to one big, stressful bill. What's it really costing you?

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