small business owner

6 Ways to Avoid Scams When Selling Your Stuff Online

Selling items online is so easy to do these days. But you still have to watch out for scammers.

Can't Get Business Credit? Consider Alternative Financing

If you're losing sleep because you need cash quickly and traditional sources aren't working out for you, you should consider alternative financing.

4 Signs You Should Sell Your Small Business

Your small business is your baby. When is the right time to let it go?

Is Your Small Business Targeting the Wrong Customer?

By weeding out prospects who have no intention to buy, you can devote more time to finding your ideal clients.

How to Pull Your Small Business Out of a Cash Crunch

End the anxiety that comes with running a business on poor cash flow by using these strategies.

Who Cares if there's a Recession? I just started a business

Thinking about starting a little business on the side in the middle of a recession? Go ahead and try it! I am.

How to Find Freelance Clients - Part One

Once you hang your “open for business” sign, the hard part begins! Finding clients to pay you for your products or services can be the most challenging aspect of starting and runni

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