small business

The Lifetime Value of a Customer

The lifetime value of a customer is a valuable tool for measuring the contribution a customer makes to the bottom line and a useful basis for developing marketing strategies.

5 Ways Environment Can Impact Health Insurance Costs

No matter what type of business you run, there may be opportunities to improve the work environment — the decrease the cost of health insurance.

Does Your Entity Choice Provide Personal Liability Protection?

Making your business a corporation or LLC only goes so far in protecting an owner's personal assets. Discover what you're responsible for.

Methods of Measuring Ecommerce Financial Performance

Stay on top of big-picture numbers and periodically dig into the nuances of what drives sales and profits.

Can You Save Money by Outsourcing?

Staffing companies, freelance job boards, and temporary help agencies are experiencing record growth as companies turn to outsourcing.

Why You Should Forget the Word Scalable

Perhaps it's time for more entrepreneurs to enjoy the unique rewards of keeping a business small.

How More Vacation Time Can Increase Productivity

Employees in other countries have fewer working hours and longer vacations than Americans while being just as productive. Here's what we can learn.

Business Continuity Planning: Are You Leaving a Legacy or a Liability?

In order to truly be successful, you need to think beyond the current generation and consider what will happen when you are no longer at the helm.

5 Ways to Negotiate With an Employee Who Has a Better Offer

There may come a day when a great employee comes to you with the plan to resign, with a better offer in hand.

Save Money by Being Friendly

Deliberate acts of friendliness can predictably reap payback. Here are ways you can save money.

The Key to Workplace Success: Be an Energizer

What is the most important quality to determining employee success? According to author Robert Sutton, nothing is as crucial as "energy."

Finance Your New Business: It's Not as Complicated as You Think

Finding money to start a new business can seem hard — but fundamentally, the process really isn't that complicated. Learn how to get financing.

Make More, Save More With Project-Based Accounting

Get a handle on what constitutes a project and the resources required to develop, sustain, execute, and complete project-oriented assignments.

3 Obvious Sales Strategies You May Be Neglecting

Whether you run a hair salon or high tech startup, these tips should help you improve your sales.

How an Exact Match Domain Can Launch a Successful Business

To say that entrepreneurs need a good web domain is to trade in marketing cliché, but here’s a different way to think about domains: as a crucial first step.

Building Philanthropy Into a Business

Philanthropy can be built into the structure of your company and, depending on how you handle it, that philanthropy can improve your business.

5 Ways to Boost Credibility and Conversions

Self-promotion is a crucial step to sustained success. There are simple ways to promote your business without coming across as a self-important egomaniac.

6 Cs of Successful Small Business Owners

To achieve success, I believe that there are six characteristics that all small business owners need. Fortunately, these traits can be developed by anyone who chooses to do so.

To Groupon or Not to Groupon: The Cost of Offering Deep Discounts

Wouldn't it be nice if you could run a free online coupon deal and wake up the next morning to learn you'd sold two thousand pre-paid dinners or event tickets? Maybe, maybe not.

How Steady Financial Management Can Support Ecommerce Growth

Steady financial management can drive growth, support timely repayment of credit lines and loans, or bypass the need for traditional financing altogether.