small houses

This Is How You Downsize Your Home and Start Living a Better Life

Enjoy the benefits of a smaller home without missing your old square footage with these easy planning and organization tips.

How a Big Family Survives in a Home With One Bathroom

Sharing a single bathroom with a large family or several roommates isn't ideal. Here's how a family of seven (and growing!) makes it work.

Buy a Home You Can Afford With the Mortgage Suitcase Trick

When you're thinking about buying a home, it's easy to buy more house than you need (and get stuck with a pricier mortgage). Use this trick to save.

Houses You Can Build Yourself

From eco-friendly prefab kits to dwellings built out of other people's trash, the possibilities for building your own home are only limited by your imagination.

McMansion to McCottage: Why Smaller Houses Are Smarter

When it comes to our homes, is bigger always better? From saving money to cutting clutter and more, explore the benefits of buying or building small.

How Big of a House Do You Really Need?

For my entire life, I have never lived in a place bigger than 1400 square feet. The smallest dwelling I had was a studio less than 400 square feet which I shared with my parents.

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