stock market

The Debate Between Buy and Hold vs Timing The Market

It's interesting to see that with the advent of computerized trading and value discount brokers, a new era of people investing with the idea of getting rich overnight has exploded.

Buy-and-Hold Investing: 4 Ways to Make It More Effective

The media is saying buy and hold is dead thanks to some fuzzy math and misinterpretation of what "long term" means. But here are four strategies that can turn buy and hold from a b

2010 Predictions from Wall Street and Main Street: Who's Smarter?

Every December for the last five years Money Talks News has hooked up with David Wyss, the chief economist for giant research firm Standard & Poors. We sit him down in a studio and

Getting Kids Started with the Stock Market

Recently, a reader asked how to give stock to kids in her life in an effort to inspire a life-long interest in investing. Here are ideas on ways to get the younger generation start

3 Ways Technology Makes Personal Finances Easier

From saving money to staying on budget, technology has made it easier than ever to stay on top of my personal finances. Here are 3 ways technology has helped me save money and time

It's Time to Purchase Like It's 1999

For those who have a job, a healthy savings account and some optimism about the long-term, it doesn’t get any better than this. Opportunity in the form of lower prices doesn’t kno

5 Creative Ways to Invest During a Weak Market

With the stock market finally recovering to some degree this past month, even closing at highs for the year, a lot of investors may be breathing a sigh of relief about their stock

How To Avoid Gambling Away Your Investments

Some consider participating in the stock market as a form of gambling. While I agree that not everyone should be risking their money in certain investments, I believe that by takin

Survive The Bear Market: 10 Steps To Ride The Downturn

The stock market has experienced an unbelievable slump from a high of around 14,000 in the Dow Jones index sometime in 2007 all the way down to 8,000 last I checked. So as an inves

Who Cares About Where The Stock Market Is Headed?

Where is the stock market headed? Any rally may simply be a "dead cat bounce". And while many investment experts are offering a variety of stock market predictions, some of those

Looking To Invest Right Now? 5 Basic Investing Tips For Any Market

A lot of people have been asking me recently, is this the stock market bottom? Is it time to jump into stocks? As an investor for over 20 years who's lived through 2 recessions (a

Breathing Easy on the Financial Rollercoaster

In case you hadn't noticed, stock markets around the world have done some crazy things this week. At this point, I think we're all a little lightheaded, wondering if we should be w

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