tracking spending

6 Smart Reasons to Pay Your Credit Card Bill Before It's Due

You don't have to wait until the due date to pay your credit card bill. In fact, there are benefits to paying early.

How to Help Your Kid Build Their First Budget

Everything your teen needs to master their money starts with you. Teach them budgeting basics that will last a lifetime.

The "I Knew It!" Benefit of Expense Tracking

It's worth tracking your spending because it's the only way to learn where your money is going. But it's worth doing for another reason as well.

Create Your Own Raise

If you haven't gotten a raise recently, maybe you need to create your own. Here's how.

6 Quick Tips for Organizing Your Finances

Whether you're surrounded by piles of unsorted financial documents or could just use a little straightening up, here's how to painlessly get organized.

5 Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Make 2011 your best financial year yet with these tips to jump-start your savings.

8 Tips for Improving or Starting a Budget

Whether your current budget could use some tweaking or you're trying to get your finances sorted out for the first time, these suggestions can help you build a better budget.

Be In Charge of Your Finances

Do you ever come to the end of the money before you run out of month? It's easy to conclude that the problem is that you don't earn enough money (or that you spend too much). In fa

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