
3 Surprising Ways to Save on Wireless Bills

Cell phone voice and data charges can climb in a hurry. Keep your cell data bill manageable by managing your plan, and your usage, more cleverly.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Reducing Your Water Bill

Today we found some fantastic articles on tips for reducing your water bill, banking tips for 20-somethings, and early retirement risks.

How to Make Your Own Power

From hand-cranking a flashlight to setting up solar panels to creating your own hydroelectric dam, generating your own electricity is totally achievable.

Save Hundreds by Getting Yourself Out of Hot Water

Saving hot water can be easy — and even help you lose weight — with just a few habit changes.

Book Review: Off the Grid

I've always used the term "off the grid" in a literal sense — not being connected to power or other systems. Nick Rosen means more than that.

How Low Can You Go? Taking the No Heat Challenge

Most of us aren't ready to give up home heating altogether, but here are a few tricks we can learn from the hardcore heat resisters.

4 Ways to Win the War Against This Summer’s Electric Bill

Energy increases are common this time of year, and with many families already struggling to pay the utility bills, it can seem more burdensome than ever. There’s no one-size-fits-

Looking at Your Expenses with New Eyes

A lot of people think that banks have high security, but the most fortified brick-and-mortar institution in my town is the local Comcast office. This is where you have to go to dro

Refactor Your Budget Categories

Use the budget categories put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to help you better understand your spending.

Manage your fixed expenses

When you think of people ruining their lives with foolish spending, it's easy to focus on the little things that add up--the meals out, the hefty bar tab, the daily Starbucks habit

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