
5 Things Millennials Do Later Than Previous Generations Did

Today's twenty- and thirty-somethings are putting off a host of big life-defining moments. Find out what they're waiting for — and why.

10 Ways to Stop Being Impatient and Live a More Satisfied Life

In our hurry up and wait culture, patience is a virtue. Read on to cultivate your sense of patience, no waiting necessary.

And...Breathe: Become More Patient in 9 Easy Steps

In a world of cell phones and instant downloads, being patient isn't just a virtue — it's downright difficult. Take a deep breath and follow these steps.

Are some lives so empty that an iPhone 3G will fill the void?

In certain parts of the world (Russia comes to mind), people have stood in line for hours just to get some food. It’s messed up, but I get it. If standing in line for hours will re

5 Tips for Making Do with the Right Now

It seems easy to hold your breath and wait for situations in life to become clear, determined, and permanent. But what will you be missing in t

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