
4 New Year's Resolutions Your Pet Wants You to Make

Fluffy and Fido are really, really hoping you'll keep these New Year's resolutions. Even better — they're good for you, too.

5 Best Cities for Going Car-Free

If you're thinking of ditching your car for a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle, these are the cities you need to live in.

5 Ways to Turn Your Walk Into a Real Workout

If you're already walking for fitness, why not add some extra kick — for extra fitness? It's easy!

10 Surprising Benefits Of: A 10 Minute Walk

Got 15 minutes to spare? Spend five minutes reading this, and then take a walk to clear your mind and get these nine other health benefits.

50 Ways to Walk More

There's an easy way to lose 10 pounds and 2 inches off your waist — walking 10,000 steps a day. Here are 50 great ways to get those steps in.

25 Reasons Why You Should Take a Walk

Walking is simple, accessible, and good for the mind, body, community, and soul. If you're looking for an excuse to go for a walk, try one or two of these.

7 Hidden Advantages to Getting Rid of Your Car

Sure, getting rid of your car will save you money — but that's just the beginning of all the benefits you could realize.

10 Exercises to Do at Work That Don't Make You Look Silly

Realistically, most of us can't pull out crazy yoga poses, lift weights, or do jumping jacks at work. Here are 10 realistic exercises for the office.

4 Benefits to Wearing a Pedometer at Home

From improving your health to interacting with your kids more, there are compelling reasons to wear a pedometer — even if you spend all day at home.

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk

There’s one fact that is undeniable in America; we just don’t walk enough. A dependence on automobiles, elevators and escalators, coupled with a growing lack of interest in exercis

The good life on less energy--even in the US

Whenever I write a post about energy, I point out that we know it's possible to have a high standard of living while using less energy--people in European countries do, so it must

The Benefits of a Walkable Neighborhood

Are you able to walk to your daily necessities from where you live? Or do you drive everywhere? Discover how walkable your neighborhood is and see if you can use your car less.

Cheap and Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day (And Any Other Day of the Year)

I have always loathed Valentine's day because everywhere I went I would see gaudy pink and red balloons and roses and men who are literally suckered into buying the useless thi

Is Infrastructure Destiny?

Today is National Ride Your Bike to Work Day. I have a bike but I chose to drive in my “Share the Road” license-plate embellished car today. Why? The route from home to office, though short, is treacherous. [more]

The best things in life are (more or less) free

Now, at the risk of sounding like a great big softy, I have to share a moment that I experienced recently that reminded me of the real value of money and the place I want it to have in my life. Over the weekend, I was driving around Queen Anne hill [more]

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