
How One More Year of Work Can Transform Your Retirement

Behind on retirement savings and dreading having to keep on working? Here's some good news: You don't have to work forever.

8 Startling Facts That Will Make You Want to Invest

Having trouble taking the plunge into investing? These eye-opening facts may shock you into action.

What You Need to Know About Working While Collecting Social Security

Many people look forward to drawing Social Security benefits while still working and drawing a paycheck. Of course, there's a catch.

8 Signs It's Time to Retire

You're thinking about retiring. How do you know when it's really the right time?

8 Keys to Quitting a Job Like a Professional

You're ready to call it quits at work. It's easy to get lazy, but even quitting is something you should do like a pro.

7 Reasons You Shouldn't "Vacation Shame" Your Coworkers

Have you ever made your coworkers feel guilty about taking vacation? Knock it off! There are many good reasons employees need time off.

The Absolute Worst Ways to Ask for a Raise

You deserve a raise. You know you do! But ask the wrong way, and you won't get a dime.

How to Live a Retired Life Before Retirement

You don't have to wait until retirement to start living like you already have.

9 Signs Your Work-Life Balance Is Off

If you think work-life balance is checking emails in the checkout line, it's time to re-evaluate.

6 Reasons It's Never Too Late for a Career Change

Career stuck in a rut? Climb out!

These 5 Expenses Will Probably Cost You a Lot Less in Retirement

There's one silver lining to retirement planning: These five expenses are likely to dwindle in your golden years.

How I Saved Enough for a Down Payment While Working in China

You don't have to give up lifetime financial goals to live the life of an expat. Take your frugal living skills along for the journey, and save big.

Day Job or Freelance: Which Is Right for You?

Still trying to decide if a day job or the freelance life is right for you? Here are the pros and cons of both.

8 Money Lessons I Learned Selling Office Supplies

Working at an office supply superstore teaches more than just the price of pens. Find out what one Wise Bread writer learned during a first summer job.

You Don't Need a Retirement Plan — You Need a Financial Independence Plan

If planning for retirement is your primary financial goal, you may be doing it wrong.

10 Ways Working From Home Can Save (And Cost) You Big

Working from home will often help you save money, but not always.

Give Yourself a Break: The Productivity Secret That'll Change the Way You Work

A good day's work doesn't have to mean long hours and endless labor. Find out how doing less helps you accomplish more.

6 Ways to Transition to a New Career After 30

If you've topped out too soon in your career, maybe it's time to switch. While starting over is hard, the rewards are often worth it. Go ahead, jump!

5 Easy Ways to Make Extra Money Blogging

You've got a website, an audience, and a passion — but how, exactly, do you monetize that blog? It's easier than you think.

6 Things to Do on Your First Day at a New Job

Your resume worked, you wowed 'em at the interview, and today's the day. Continue the run by mastering these secrets of first day on the job success.

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