
How to Earn Money With Your Emergency Fund

Your emergency fund is always there for you. But if you're creative, you can also make it earn money for you.

7 Reasons to Invest in Stocks Past Age 50

Conventional wisdom says you should invest conservatively near and after retirement. Is that actually wise?

10 Ways Bonds Can Hurt Your Portfolio

Bonds can be an important part of your investment strategy, but they can also be a drag. Find out if bonds are sapping the life from your portfolio.

8 Times to Avoid Dividend Stocks

Dividends can be a neat way to watch "free money" roll in, but beware. Sometimes you're better off without the cash.

A Simple Guide to Series I Savings Bonds (I-Bonds)

After the recent interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve many of my bank and money market interest rates plummeted.  Now the best yield I have is on my Series I Savings Bonds iss