TWINKIE SUSHI - Chopsticks optional

I am not exactly a Twinkie fan. I moved to the USA in my mid-twenties and so I hadn't acquired a taste for them. And most likely never will (although I did try a deep-fried Twinkie recently...not bad, considering).
Anyway, kids do love Twinkies. But they're not so fond of Sushi. So those clever (or devious) people at Hostess foods have decided to fuse the two ideas together and perhaps create something that adults and kids will love equally, or despise with the same passion. Either way, I think they're a novel way to dress up a party platter, they're nice and cheap to make, and if nothing else they'll be a talking point. Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.
Items Needed:

  • 3 Hostess Twinkies
  • Assorted dried fruits
  • Assorted fruity candies
  • 2 green fruit roll ups
  • Dried mangoes (looks like pickled ginger)


  1. Slice Hostess Twinkies into pieces about an inch tall.
  2. Slice fruit roll ups in strips to the long enough and wide enough to wrap around the Hostess Twinkie pieces.
  3. Wrap the fruit roll ups around the Hostess Twinkie pieces.
  4. Place dried fruits and candies into the cream filling.
  5. Place Twinkie rolls on a plate or in a bento box.
  6. Garnish with strips of dried mango to resemble pickled ginger if you wish!
  7. Serve with chopsticks if you wish.

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Sarah Winfrey's picture

Lest Paul think that Being American=Loving Twinkies, let me just say Yuck.  YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!!!

Though also fascinating...combining two of the world's most disgusting foods does create something that I'd rather put in my mouth than either of the original ideas.

Andrea Karim's picture

I don't technically like peanut butter or bananas, but put them together = wow.

This is kind of nasty, but I think it would be really cute for a kids' party or something. A kids' party that involved lots of martinis and some daring people. And no kids.

Tannaz Sassooni's picture

way to revamp a classic.  although if i thought i was about to eat sushi and bit into one of these guys, i'd be kinda sad. 

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