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Nicholas Pell


Latest articles by Nicholas Pell

6 Ways It Pays to Be Friendly With Your Neighbors

Having friendly neighbors is its own reward, of course, but all those neighborly smiles often pay-off in unexpected ways. Like these.

9 Cheapest Dates That Don't Seem So Cheap

Dinner and a movie is piricey (and also kind of played). Get creative for a romantic night out that's affordable, fun, and feels expensive!

How an Expensive Wardrobe Saves You Money

Sure, an expensive suit costs more upfront, but over time it pays its wearer back in dollars saved — and possibly in dollars earned.

The Habits of Extremely Extreme People

Extreme people go to extreme ends to support their extreme habits. Would you go this far?

This Is How You Dress Like Don Draper on the Cheap

Used or new, 50s and 60s suits are still fashionable, and actually affordable, if you know where to look. Find out here!

9 Fun and Easy Ways to Add Years to Your Life

Improving your health and overall quality of life is a lot easier than most people think. Stick to some simple rules, and you'll feel better, longer.

6 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself

All the productivity tricks in the world are can't help you if you're lacking motivation. Read on to get some gumption!

5 Amazing, Cheap Places to Live as an Expat

Looking for adventure overseas but don't know how to afford it? These five places welcome expats, and you may even fly home with more in savings.

The 5 Best Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being swamped at work is not a badge of honor — it's a sign of inefficiency. Get more done with these smart tips.

Stupid Tax Return Mistakes That Will Get You Audited

Even if you're using tax preparation software or a service, you may find yourself caught in an audit if you commit any of these costly mistakes.

How to Tell If Someone Is Lying (Other Than the Long Nose)

Most of the time we trust other people to tell the truth, but sometimes something doesn't seem right. Here's how to tell if someone is fibbing.

Find Love With These Fun and Cheap First Date Ideas

Forget dinner and a movie. A killer first date should be about the two of you, and the world you can explore — together.

6 Ways to Always Have Something Interesting to Say

Never be at a loss for words with this collection of intriguing and informative sources of conversation icebreakers.

How to Host House Guests Without Going Crazy

The next time you have house guests, follow these suggestions to make the stay easier on both you and your guests.

Why Your Boss Should Let You Screw Around on the Internet

The next time your boss catches you reading Wise Bread, share a link to this post. Your "slacking" may actually add to the company's bottom line.

6 Great Horror Movies You Can Watch for Free

If you're after cheap thrills this Halloween, free classic horror movies are hard to beat. Since these are all in the public domain, you don't have to fear the copyright ghouls.

5 Ways to Break Your Social Media Habit

Spending more time with your virtual community than with your real one? Discover how to limit your likes, shares, and tweets and regain control of your time.

Quick and Dirty Skin Care for Men: How Grandpa Used to Do It

Back in the day, careful personal grooming was manly. Get reacquainted with the simple skin care rites of our forefathers and look and feel younger, too.

It's Not Too Late to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

If you're still in need of back-to-school notebooks and pens, or stocking up for next year, swoop in now to grab some great school supply deals.

Buy a Car With the Money You Save by Shaving Smarter

With a switch to a safety razor, most men could trim enough from their budgets to eventually buy a modestly priced car. (And look better while striking the deal.)

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