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Kelly Kehoe

A full time college student, full time writer, speech and debate competitor, and world traveler.

Latest articles by Kelly Kehoe

Budgeting for Study Abroad: What You'll Need, and How to Access Your Money

Studying abroad introduces students to a culture...and it can also be a crash course in budgeting and cash management. Here's what you need to know.

How to Get Work Experience Without Having a Job

If you want a new job but your resume doesn't have an extensive job history to catch an employer's eye, try these alternative ways to gain work experience.

College Without Loans: Where to Find Scholarships

Applying for scholarships is a great way to pay less for college. Check out these tips for finding excellent scholarship opportunities.

Useful Gifts for College-Bound Graduates

Congratulate the high-school graduate in your life with one of these gifts they can use when they head to college.

10 Ways to Save on a Night (or Day) at the Movies

With summer comes soaring temps and blockbuster movies. Beat the heat and the high cost of summer movies with this cast of cinematic cost-cutters.

Should Your Next Car Be Electric?

Electric cars are an alternative to environmentally unfriendly gas guzzlers, but are they worth the higher upfront cost?

Why You Should Never Buy Souvenirs

Souvenirs are a nightmare for the frugal traveler. From high markups to exploitative labor, souvenirs are a lousy way to bring travel memories home.

Couponing: Hobby or Lifestyle?

Clipping coupons is a great way to save money at the grocery store. But is "extreme couponing" the right choice for you and your family?

Coming to Terms With Your Long-Term Debt

If you're in debt, you're not alone. Millions of people are struggling with payments, but coming to terms with your long-term debt might be the key to paying it off.

Why Is the Cell Phone Industry So Screwed Up?

From patent wars to fierce competition among carriers, it can seem like the cell phone industry is in constant turmoil — and consumers are paying the price.

10 Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Skills

Whether it's something as big as a career move or as small as what you're having for dinner, follow these tips to help make great decisions.

Lessons in Frugality From "The Walking Dead"

From budgeting to moderation, AMC's hit series "The Walking Dead" can teach us about frugality (while it also teaches us to never enter a cellar alone).

Save on Books, Diapers, and Much More With an Amazon Membership Program

Whether you're a student, a mom, or just a frequent Amazon shopper, discover how their membership programs might be able to save you serious cash.

Beyond Beef: Tasty, Frugal Protein

If you're looking for filling, inexpensive protein to anchor your meals, there are more options than you may think (and they're delicious!).

What to Do If Your Adult Child Is Moving Home

If your adult children are moving back or currently living at home, how much support should you be giving them? Here are some things to consider.

Back to School: Saving on College Textbooks

Fancy meals. A weekend away. A new wardrobe. These are some of the things that can cost LESS than new college textbooks. Save with these tips.

The Joy of Disconnecting

Technology can be helpful, wonderful...and incessant. Discover why it's important to put the smartphone down and take a break.

How to Be Upwardly Mobile

Research shows that most people aren't moving past their parents' income class — but you don't have to be a statistic.

Should You Wait to Go to College?

For many people, college is the immediate next step after high school. But sometimes, that's not the best decision to make.

Running the Numbers: Living on One Salary

Whether it's out of choice or necessity, if you and your partner are planning to start living off of a single income, here's what you should know.

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