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Darren Wu

Latest articles by Darren Wu

Online Savings Account Face-Off: Ally Bank vs Capital One 360

You know you should be saving more, even in this age of low saving account interest rates. Find out which of these two leading online banks is right for you.

8 Meatless Complete Proteins That Will Help You Lose Weight

Meatless Mondays are a great way to save money and improve your diet. Add these complete veggie proteins for even better health and fitness.

How to Turn $25 a Week Into Almost $7000 in 5 Years

You don't need thousands of dollars to earn real money investing. All you need is $25 a week and a plan — this plan.

If You Want Your 401K to Grow, Stop Doing These 6 Things

These easy to make mistakes can hurt your 401(k) — and ultimately your retirement. Are you doing any of these things?

The Simple 5-Step Plan to Complete Money Management

It's actually easy (and even fun!) to be in control of household finances. Follow this simple plan and use the free tools to take charge of your money.

You CAN Earn More Money — Here's How

Making more money doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. Learn how you can start picking up side gigs today.

The Only 4 Things You Need to Do to Start Investing

Investing sounds so complicated — and risky. This simple plan removes the complexity and helps you understand and tolerate the risks.

Slam Dunk Personal Finance Tips From the NBA

Few of us have the on-court talent to command an NBA salary, but we can still learn some money lessons from the world of pro players.

4 Reasons Why You Must Open a Roth IRA Before April 15

One quirk of the tax law is that any contributions to a Roth IRA before April 15 count against last year's limits. Here are four good reasons to open one now.

5 Foods That Help You Fight Fat

Eating more of anything seems like the wrong way to fight fat. But these five nutritious foods really do fight fat — and they're a lot tastier than a visit to the gym.

Save $70,000 (or More!) With 4 Simple Credit Score Boosts

The benefits of good credit — reduced interest paid on purchases — can add up to many thousands of dollars. Learn how to start improving your credit today.

5 Investing Basics That Can Make You Rich

Following a few fundamental strategies can mean the difference of over $100,000 over your investing lifetime. What are you waiting for? Start here!

How Much Money Will You Have in 30 Years?

A key part of financial planning is goal setting. With the help of a conservative economic forecast and a common financial equation, you can plan how to reach it.

Snowballs or Avalanches: Which Debt Reduction Strategy Is Best for You?

There are two leading strategies for debt elimination. Both will work, but one gets you out of debt a little faster and a lot richer.

Why Index Funds Are the Best Choice for New Investors

New investors may be tempted to move their mutual fund investments into an actively managed fund. Choose an index fund instead to avoid a costly mistake.

3 Ways to Save Hundreds (or Even Thousands) of Dollars Without Thinking

These three methods barely require any effort — and they can have huge results.

10 Investing Concepts to Ignore and 10 to Follow

New investors have a lot of advice to sift through — and it's not all good. Learn what to ignore and what to pay attention to.

Charged With an Overdraft Fee? Get Your Money Back!

Get hit with a bank overdraft fee? Put on your negotiation face to remove that fee, and then follow this simple plan to make sure it doesn't happen again.

7 Investing Lessons From the Two Comma Club

If you want to be a millionaire, take some advice from people who have already achieved that goal — members of Two Comma Club.

Why You Don't Need a College Degree to Succeed

Many people think you need a college degree to have a successful career, but that's not always the case — check out these jobs.

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