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Beth Buczynski

Latest articles by Beth Buczynski

How to Attend a Wedding for Cheap (Without Actually Looking Cheap)

Even simply attending a wedding these days is expensive. Trim the cost without insulting your hosts with these simple expense-savers.

8 Things You Can Do in Denver That You Can't Do Anywhere Else

The Mile High City is known for that (literally and figuratively), but there are plenty of other unique Denver Activities for you to experience.

8 Common Pieces of Emotional Baggage (and How to Ditch Them)

Those heavy emotions and memories you're hauling around are slowing you down. Drop them and move on.

10 Ways to Add Luxury to Your Life Without Paying Luxury Prices

Who doesn't want to live large on a small budget? From fine dining to a luxe ride, here's how to get a lot more for much less.

7 Ways Doing Nothing Will Make You More Productive

It's easy to get caught up in our busy routines, but doing nothing can actually boost productivity. Learn why taking a break might be the best thing you do today.

7 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Online Classes

The low cost of an online college degree is tempting, but before you sign up, be sure you understand what you're getting — and not getting.

13 "Bad" Habits That Are Actually Good for You

Stop fidgeting! Actually, go ahead — here's why you should quit trying to correct that and 12 other allegedly bad habits.

Would You Drive One of the 10 Smallest Cars Ever Made?

Car designers have been creating small, practical runabouts for decades. Here are 10 fun and cute cars you probably won't ever see parked at Costco.

14 Beauty Products You're Using That Actually Do Nothing

We all want to look good — nobody knows that better than the beauty industry. Keep your finances beautiful by avoiding these products.

You Can Get Coupons for Healthy Foods Too — Here's Where

Traditionally, coupons for processed foods were easy to find, but not for healthy, natural foods. That's changing — here's where to find them.

10 Incredible-but-True Facts About Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Tomatoes AREN'T a fruit (at least in America), and carrots don't help your eyes. Wait, what? Learn more about these and other surprising produce facts!

8 Ways to Buy Organic and Still Be Frugal

Organic food and produce usually comes at a premium, but with some smart shopping, you don't have to spend your whole paycheck to get it.

17 Cheap and Awesome Reusable Replacements for Disposable Products

You know disposables are bad for the planet — and your budget. These reusable replacements are cheaper and greener, and they're convenient, too.

11 Freedoms You Gain by Spending Less

Want to live free of clutter, stress, strife, and want? Cut your spending and bank the savings! Here are 11 things you can enjoy when you do.

24 Places to Buy Inexpensive Natural Beauty Products

Highlight more of your natural beauty for less money! Here's where to find high quality, inexpensive natural beauty products, online and off.

9 Amazing DIY Lamps You Want in Your House

If you can't find an affordable lamp that's perfect for your space, make one! These nine easy lamp projects can get you started.

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