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Joe Epstein

Latest articles by Joe Epstein

Welcome Janet Al-Saad, Wise Bread's New Senior Editor

Wise Bread is growing, and we're expanding our team to help bring our message of financial wisdom to an even larger audience. Help us welcome our new Senior Editor, Janet Al-Saad.

12 Ways You're Driving Your Coworkers Insane

Make work easier on you and your colleagues by avoiding these nasty, annoying habits at the office.

12 Things People With Good Communication Skills Never Do

If you want to engage the people you’re talking with instead of making them tune out, you must avoid these 12 things.

Don't Ruin the Party: 11 Things Guests With Good Social Skills Never Do

If you want to get invited to your host's next shindig, don't do this!

7 Weird Money Laws You May Have Broken

Paying with certain coins, charging for certain mystical services, even dancing. All make this list of some of the world's weirdest laws governing money.

6 "Good" Habits That May Actually Be Hurting You

Even good habits take effort, so make sure the ones you've committed to aren't actually doing more harm than they're worth.

Are You Being Had? Learn From 5 Crazy Ponzi Schemes

Amazingly, these schemes were all real. Thankfully, they also all offer real lessons on how to avoid losing your shirt.

STOP: 10 Words to Never Use at Work

Use one of these words in the office? You may be holding yourself back without even knowing it. Or worse.

5 Workouts (Besides CrossFit) That May Actually Be Hurting You

CrossFit isn't the only routine to come under scrutiny lately, so make sure that if you're doing one of these workouts, you at least understand the risks.

10 Body Language Mistakes That Can Sabotage Any Social Interaction

Sit up straight and take a look at these common body language mistakes — you just may be blowing it without even knowing it.

Crib Notes on the 6 Best Personal Finance TED Talks

Get inspired by 6 passionate presentations... or just read the crib notes for each and get the knowledge.

14 of the Best Free Things to Do Abroad

Finding just one amazing free activity in a foreign city can go a long way to putting your mind at rest that you’re not over-spending.

New Study Says You Should Spend Less on Kids Sports. Here's How.

Good news: spending less on your kid’s sports will actually make him better at them, according to new research. Now how to go about saving...

WATCH: 7 DIY Fails That Will Inspire You to Call an Expert

Some home projects just shouldn’t be attempted by anyone other than a professional. Don’t believe it? Watch these crazy DIY fails.

21 Things You'll Regret Every Time

Want to look back and say you lived with no regrets? Then make sure you're not making any of the decisions on this list!

Miracle Device Coin Rolls All Your Credit Cards Into One

Coin's like a universal remote for your plastic: a magical device that lets you store and toggle among all your cards, without actually having to carry around any of them.

Are YOU on This List of Cushiest Retirement Jobs?

If you think the retirement benefits at your job leave more to be desired, consider one of these alternatives!

“Smart Pills” Will Soon Have You Swallowing Computers

The sensors in "smart pills" will help you and your doctor monitor your health from the inside out.

Mind-Blowing Tiny Houses With Huge Design Inspiration

These houses may be small, but they pack a ton of design punch! Take a (quick!) tour around eight inspired, tiny houses.

The Needless 9: Insane Luxury Items For You to Laugh At

Some luxury products are so outrageous the only logical response is to laugh. Check out the sports car hovercraft, gold toilet paper, and privates insurance!

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