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Claire Millard

Claire is a freelance writer, career coach, and a member of the UK Institute for HR Professionals (CIPD). In her spare time, she writes about local craft beer for

Latest articles by Claire Millard

Does Your Money Management Reflect Who You Truly Are?

The way you spend money might say a lot about your core values. Do your spending habits and your morals line up?

Don't Let "Lizard Brain" Derail Your Finances

Blowing your hard-earned cash on impulse, emotional, and stress shopping? Your lizard brain is to blame.

Don't Let These Expenses Spoil Your Retirement Abroad

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy, especially if you move abroad. Don't get stuck facing these large unexpected (and stressful) bills

Didn't Get the Raise? Ask for This, Instead

When you get turned down for a raise, hope is not lost. There are other things your employer may be willing to give up, instead.

The Real Reason We Still Spend to Impress

Try as we might, we just can't stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Or can we?

Day Job or Freelance: Which Is Right for You?

Still trying to decide if a day job or the freelance life is right for you? Here are the pros and cons of both.

Don't Get Taken: How to Evaluate an Exchange Rate

You need cash for your trip abroad, but make sure that exchange rate is fair before you make the deal with your bank.

4 Clever Ways to Control Your Spending -- and One That Will Shock You!

For most of us controlling our spending just takes a little willpower. For others, more shocking modes of behavior modification are required.

5 Fitness Gadgets Actually Worth the Money

All you really need to stay fit is time. But for an extra push, these gadgets will help you burn calories without burning a hole in your pocket.

How to Ace Your Next Coffee Interview

More and more employers are interviewing prospects in less formal settings. Here's how to shine at your meeting without spilling any coffee.

Ease Into Minimalism With Some Simple Steps

The clean, fresh look of a minimalist home is so appealing. Why make it just fantasy? Get purging!

Can Saying Thanks More Make You Rich?

We all know saying "thank you" is polite. But true gratitude can actually make your finances (and life!) a little sunnier.

4 Ways Your Brain Tricks You Into Spending

The human brain is a beautiful, complex thing. It's also a total shopaholic.

Make Guerrilla Job Hunting Work for You

Any job search can seem brutal and competitive. Here's how to stand out without going overboard.

Why "Opportunity" Funds Are the New Emergency Funds

Sometimes the only thing between saving a lot and saving nothing at all is a turn of phrase.

5 Fun Ways the Sharing Economy Helps You Save on Vacation

From pet sitters to personal chefs, the sharing economy can help make your next vacation a memorable, and affordable, experience.

You Don't Need a Retirement Plan — You Need a Financial Independence Plan

If planning for retirement is your primary financial goal, you may be doing it wrong.

4 Reasons You Should Splurge on Experiences, Not Things

Stop wasting your money on cluttery stuff that wears out too soon. Invest it instead on experiences you'll remember now — and forever.

The Smart Way to Budget on a Freelance Income

Managing your money as a freelancer isn't easy, but with this easy five-step plan, you can level out the highs and lows.

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Morning Commute

If you're lucky enough to have reliable public transportation, you're lucky enough to have a few extra moments of you-time. Make the most of it!

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