Have you seen this already? The video of the dachshund pups frollicking? It's short and so cute you'll scream. Go ahead and watch. We'll wait.
Puppies (and kittens!) are cute and adorable, but they also need proper care. It's a big responsibility — one that can get expensive if you aren't careful.
Over the years Wise Bread's writers have come up with lots of clever ways to cut down the cost of living with a pet, while also increasing the satisfaction and enjoyment for pets and people alike. Here's a sampling.
10 DIY Dog Toys You Can Make for Pennies — Paul Michael points you toward an assortment of fun and frugal dog toys, everything from the classic Sock and Ball to the always engaging Cardboard Tubular.
5 iPhone Apps Your Dog Wants You to Download — Our smartphones have infiltrated every aspect of our lives — even pet care. Mikey Rox uncovers five apps your dog agrees are all awesome.
Homemade Dog Food — Recipe and Cost — Elizabeth Lang Walks you through going DIY with your dog chow with an easy, healthful recipe that saves her family about $30 a month on dog food.
No Pulling! Dogs Walk Easy With the Easy Walk Harness — I'm including this one because I'm shameless — the featured photo is of my dog Doughty, and I think you'll agree, she's the cutest of all the dogs. (I'm also a big believer in the effectiveness of the harness I review.)
Just so you don't think Wise Bread is not fair and balanced, our writers have also covered cat care, too.
How Much Does It Cost to Keep a Cat? — Carrie Kirby breaks out the calculator and the spreadsheet and tallies it all up. Fortunately, there's no accounting for attitude — you get that free.
Really Great Uses for Kitty Litter — After the obvious, there's a lot you can do with that sack of super absorbent sand. Linsey Knerl shows you what and how.
Another 36 Uses for Tin Foil — Number 33 is the relevant one writer Nora Dunn suggests — cat play toy. Unnumbered is the featured photo.
Finally, since we opened with puppies playing, let's close with kittens cavorting.
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