Woo-hoo for Wufoo!


How many guys does it take to make the hassles of technology A LOT easier? Apparently only three really innovative ones.

I recently felt the pressure by both peers and professionals to “get a website.” Well, as I discovered, it’s not that easy to just “get one.” Not to mention that if you are going to have it, it might as well be useful. A simple homepage just sitting around isn’t enough these days.

Website marketing gurus will all agree that if you’re not collecting information from visitors, your website is wasting away in cyberspace. So, after researching what seemed like a dozen options, I built my site in iWeb on my Mac. As a side note: some other options that seemed efficient and stylish were Homestead, Yahoo Site Builder and Website Tonight (by Go Daddy).

After much tedious tinkering, I got my website and blog up and running. However, iWeb doesn’t have a way to collect information. Enter Wufoo (www.wufoo.com)! This program is free for the most basic version, and it’s awesome. But if you want to upgrade, it's more than reasonable! Wufoo lets you easily (gotta love the drag and drop interface) create totally attractive and useful forms, surveys, registration forms for workshops or meetings, invitations and more to put on your website, or just use for personal stuff.

You can customize them to fit the look and feel of your website. Not only that, but the back-end user panel is like a little worker bee in itself. You can organize the information, e-mail people you wan to fill out your forms, run reports and the list goes on. Stored information can be exported it into an Excel or other file to put all that good stuff to work. If you don’t want to bother, it’s no problem. Your form-building friends at Wufoo have it covered. They can e-mail you the entries or you can subscribe to them as an RSS feed.

A newer feature allows you to take orders if you sell a product or service because they’ve integrated with Paypal, Google Checkout and Authorize.net.

It didn’t occur to me until I was using it for my site, but this form building and organizing program is just as helpful for personal data too. Create a form to track your daily diet log, manage your to do lists, house inventory, etc. The possibilities are pretty much endless. Check out some of their examples at: http://wufoo.com/examples/.

Ok, by now you can clearly see I’m pimping this product. I should state here and now, although it may seem like it, I don’t work for them and have no affiliation. But, I would if they wanted to add a chick to their brainy trio.

You’re gonna have to see this one for yourself to believe it Wise Bread smarties. Go ahead. I dare you. Make one form and see if you can stop.

You can check out the examples on my website at: www.amybscher.com.
I made a form on the contact page so no one would have my e-mail address. And, on my blog, I linked a form to a button that allows you to subscribe via e-mail to my blog.

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Guest's picture

Thanks...this is just what I needed. I have bad experiences with form logic.

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