Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Is Your Personality Sabotaging Your Saving?

Your struggle to save money may run deeper than you think. Are you one of these types of people who find it hard to save?

The 5 Best Blood Pressure Monitors

Keeping an eye on your blood pressure isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these blood pressure monitors and you can track your blood pressure any time at home.

The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be: Are You Ready to Change?

If you're not planning ahead, you may have already fallen behind.

How to Find Free (or Cheap) Health Resources

From preventive screenings to primary care, you can find free or inexpensive healthcare thanks to these websites, clinics, and other resources.

5 Essential Things Women Should Know About Investing

Half of America's household breadwinners are women — who unfortunately, are still playing catch-up in the investment world. Find out why.

8 Ways to Get Paid to Read

The next time you're relaxing with a good book you could be getting paid for it.

5 Things You Can Stop Obsessing About

Some things in business are worth worrying about and some aren't. These are those that aren't.

Quality Over Price: 15 Items to Spend More On

Want to make sure you're getting the best value for your dollars? When it comes to these 15 items, it makes sense to spend more.

How to Prosper Despite the Coming Economic Challenge

2011 wasn't a great year for the economy. And most experts don't expect 2012 to be any better. What can small business do to survive, or even thrive, in a tough environment?

Absolut Repurposing: 17 Uses for Vodka

Whether you're in a cleaning pinch or just have extra vodka around, discover how you can use it to remove stains, as part of your beauty routine, and more.

Supermarket Savings Guide

Get tips on saving money on groceries, eating well on less, using coupons, and other grocery shopping frugality tactics.

Best Money Tips: Freelancing Myths That Can Derail Your Success

Today we found articles on freelancing myths that can derail your success, superfoods that will keep you healthy this winter, and how to get cheap prices at luxury hotels.

3 Simple Ways Small Business Can Maximize Twitter

Twitter isn't for pitching. It's for networking.

Get Paid to Watch Your Favorite TV Show Live

Those daytime TV shows with live audiences? Those audiences are bought and paid for and you can earn a few extra bucks sitting in the audience, too.

4 Ways to Keep Envy From Ruining Your Retirement Investments

Envy is a mega-danger to your finances. The green-eyed monster can even ruin your investments.

Sayonara, Ramen-san

In honor Momofuku Ando, we look back on the delightfully frugal and delicious dish that is ramen.

9 Terrible Things Science Says You Do to Your Body Every Day

Our bodies take a beating in ways we don't always realize. Are you guilty of these poor health harbingers?

How to Claim Social Security Benefits While Living Abroad

If your retirement plans involve spending your golden years abroad, you should know how to take your Social Security benefits with you.

The Inanity of my Humanity (and why I choose to share it on Wisebread)

What do David Beckham and grump callers from The Chronicle have in common? Teaching us to live life frugally, of course.

5 Money Truths That Aren't Always Obvious

For all the thinking we do about money, we sometimes miss the most important points. Discover five truths about finances that might surprise you.