Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Top 5 Ways Thieves Use Your Stolen Credit Card

Your credit card is gone. By the time you report the loss, it's likely one of the following crimes has already happened.

Spend Less This Valentine’s Day (And Win an iPod Touch!)

Whether you love or hate the holiday, there are some lovely things to adore about Valentine’s Day (like all the assorted chocolates.) We’ll recap the best of Wise Bread’s suggesti

Secret Lawn Tonic Recipe From Golf Course Groundskeeper

The lawn tonic recipe came from a former groundskeeper at a golf course. All you need are 5 common household ingredients and a 10-gallon hose-end sprayer.

Remove Car Dents Quickly and Cheaply

Dents suck. And so does the cost to repair them. Here are quick and cheap ways to remove dents.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, By the Month

Not sure which fruits and vegetables are 'in season'? Here's a handy list to help you out!

HP Giving Away $500 to a Lucky Wise Bread Reader

To enter tell us your smartest investment. It can be anything! A degree, cooking lessons, hot stock, or a great pair of shoes.

24 Places to Buy Inexpensive Natural Beauty Products

Highlight more of your natural beauty for less money! Here's where to find high quality, inexpensive natural beauty products, online and off.

10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains

When you're faced with a clogged drain and the plunger won't work, these 10 techniques could save you the cost of a plumber.

You’re Fired! 20 Signs That a Pink Slip is Coming

If you can answer yes to THREE or more of these questions, you may want to think about sprucing up your resume and dry-cleaning your best interview attire.

The Meaning of Milk Label Colors

Can you tell the difference between 1% and skim milk based on the color of the cap? It depends on where you shop.

How to Make $400+ a Week as a Pet Sitter

Need extra cash? Love animals? Get started as a pet sitter and you'll have Fido fetching you funds in no time.

4 Ways to Protect Your Retirement From Inflation

It's not just enough to save for retirement; you need to make sure your money is inflation proof, too.

The Best and Worst Times to Go Grocery Shopping

Maximize your shopping efficiency and minimize your food spending by mastering the art of grocery store timing.

15 Wonderful Uses for Witch Hazel

What can you do with witch hazel, the mightily useful little medicinal marvel? Here's a rundown.

Why We Spend More When We Pay With Credit Cards

It's true — people spend more with credit cards than cash. Learn the psychological reasons why we tend to pay more when we use plastic.

The Best and Worst Nuts, by Nutrition and Price

Nuts are healthy, make easy snacks, and pack a lot of protein. But not all nuts are created equal. Discover the best nuts in terms of cost and health benefits.

Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change Your Life

In 20 minutes, you too can change your life in 100 different ways. Check it out!

20 New Things You Can Make With Old Denim Jeans

Don't toss that old denim! The durable and easy to work fabric is well-suited for a number of post-wardrobe uses.

Best Money Tips: Fun and Frugal Ideas for Fall

Today we found some awesome articles on frugal ideas for fall, mistakes people make when buying a home, and the complete guide to getting out of debt.

64 Funny, Inspiring and Stupid Money Quotes From Famous People

We've collected quotes from presidents, movie stars, philosophers, athletes, and even Paris Hilton on everybody's favorite topic: Money.