cash flow

How To Put An End To Cash Flow Surprises

You can't predict the future. Or can you?

How To Grow Your Business Without Going Broke

Too much growth too soon often results in too little cash to keep the doors open.

6 Things Your Business Needs More Than Cash

You need cash to meet payroll, cover overhead, pay suppliers, but if you're frequently short, maybe your business needs more of something other than cash.

Accelerate Your Cash Flow to Buy More Time

Many small business owners agree that uncertainty is their biggest challenge. Speeding up cash flow is one way to prepare for the worst -- and profit from unexpected opportunities.

10 Business Model Pivots to Improve Cash Flow

Stop embracing change and start practicing your pivot, especially when planning cash flow for a new venture.

The Silver Bullet of Cash Flow

There is one sure-fire way to get funding when you start your business: Get paying customers.

Why Your Business Owes Taxes When It Didn’t Generate Cash Profits

Unfortunately for small business owners, cash income and taxable income are not necessarily the same. Read this to avoid nasty surprises come tax time.

Financial Controls to Protect Your Money from Fraud and Theft

Diverting proceeds from cash sales and waiving fees for a friend are less noticeable cases of employee theft. Carve out time to establish financial controls.

The 5 Secrets of Cash Flow Forecasting

Here are the five key secrets to accurately forecast and maximize the cash flow of your business.

Don't Let Your Cash Flow Down the Drain

Water comes in the faucet, water goes out the drain. If the amount running in matches the amount going out, the water stays at an acceptable level. That's how cash flow works.

Squeeze More Cash Out of Your Business

When times are tough, finding ways to squeeze cash out of your business may mean the difference between survival and failure. Here are a few ideas to stimulate your cash flow.

Accounts Receivable: An Unlikely Source of Cash

You can't spend the money that your clients promise you until you actually receive payment, but that doesn't mean that accounts receivable can't be a source of cash in the short

40 Tips to Accelerate Your Cash Flow

40 ways to improve your cash flow in the following five areas: Expedite Cash In, Optimize Cash Out, Increase Revenue, Decrease Expenses, and Save Taxes.

5 Ways You Can Improve Cash Flow with Your Invoices

Most clients tend to pay on a net-30 basis — no number of phone calls or nagging will change that number. But a few tweaks to your invoices can often make a difference in how so

Cash Flow: What It Is and What It Isn't

When cash flow stops, the situation quickly turns critical. Unfortunately, the concept of cash flow is largely misunderstood. So, before you inadvertently bleed to death, let's

When and How to Offer Discounts for Early Payment

Offering discounts for cash, upfront and early payment can be an integral part of a comprehensive business management strategy, not just the domain of the accounts receivable de

The Quiet Millionaire: Part 2 – Major Obstacles to Financial Success

Want to have the wealth you need to follow your dreams? Brett Wilder, Certified Financial Planner and author of The Quiet Millionaire suggests that there are 7 major obsta

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