Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Exploring Debt Restructuring Options

If your business is finding it hard to keep up with all its credit card, credit line, and bank loan payments, it may be time to consider debt restructuring.

This May Be the Best Time to Negotiate Loan Terms

With credit at its tightest in over ten years, banks are hurting. For successful borrowers, that means loan terms and conditions may be more negotiable then ever.

11 Free Ways to Generate Referrals

What to generate referrals without spending money? Here are ways to elicit, not solicit, referrals.

Creating a Smooth Business Transition when You Sell Your Company

When the time comes to sell your company, you want to be able to smoothly transition your business to the new owner. That can take planning.

Tax Breaks for Booming Businesses

f your business is booming, take advantage of tax rules to make sure that Uncle Sam doesn't earn more than you do from your efforts.

Tsilli Pines: Building a Business Based on Tradition

From that small start, Tsilli Pines has built a business on creating modern ketubot.

Financial Controls to Protect Your Money from Fraud and Theft

Diverting proceeds from cash sales and waiving fees for a friend are less noticeable cases of employee theft. Carve out time to establish financial controls.

Planning in the Last Quarter of 2010

Between now and the end of the year, businesses should take various actions to help their bottom line for 2010 and to get ready for 2011. Here are some actions to consider.

Can You Save Money by Outsourcing?

Staffing companies, freelance job boards, and temporary help agencies are experiencing record growth as companies turn to outsourcing.

6 Common Money Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

Avoid these common pitfalls, and you'll increase your likelihood of running a successful — and lasting — business.

4 Thorny Payroll Tax Issues and How to Handle Them

Small businesses face plenty of challenges, including several tough payroll tax challenges. Here's what you can do about them.

5 Money Moves to Make Before Taking a Mini Retirement

Wouldn't it be nice to scatter several "mini" retirements all throughout your career? You can! Just make these money moves first.

Best Money Tips: Creative DIY Blogs That Help You Save Money

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some cool articles on money-saving DIY blogs, habits of motivated people, and the worst airports for penny pinchers.

5 Reasons to Keep a Work Diary

How was work yesterday? What about yesterday last year? Keep a work diary to track your hits and your misses and gain valuable perspective on your career or business.

13 Business Leaders Who Failed Before They Succeeded

If at first you don't succeed...

Increase Sales by Narrowing Customer Choices

Your customers are adrift in a sea of choices. Steer them to the sale with the right selection and the right information.

Best Money Tips: Stay Organized When Grocery Shopping

Today we found some great articles to help you organize your grocery shopping, write a better business letter, and overcome negative emotions.

The Key to Free

Mail-in rebates are an art form. Take these steps to make sure you get back to money you deserve.

Are Cruise Line Rewards Programs Worth It?

Yes, you can absolutely benefit from cruise line loyalty. Here's how these programs work, as well as how to rack up points in a hurry.

Best Money Tips: Thrifty Gifts for Mom

Today we found some fantastic articles on thrifty gifts for mom, building your financial dream team, and ways to slash prescription costs.