Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Farewell to Homeownership: Lessons to Share

Losing your home is not the end of all things. In fact, it could be the beginning of something better. Learn from one writer's experience.

Which store-bought stain remover works best?

This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of blogs, subtitled "Andrea shamelessly promotes cute guys who make videos about vaguely interesting topics." Now, I know that o

Secret Lawn Tonic Recipe From Golf Course Groundskeeper

The lawn tonic recipe came from a former groundskeeper at a golf course. All you need are 5 common household ingredients and a 10-gallon hose-end sprayer.

7 Delicious Uses for Leftover Hot Dogs

Let's be frank: Summer cookouts will leave you with plenty of extra dogs in the fridge. Here are lots of tasty ways to use them up.

9 Ways to Tell If a Stock is Worth Buying

Wondering whether a stock is worth your investment? Here are a bunch of ways to decide!

How to Use a Credit Card for an Emergency Without Drowning In Debt

You know you shouldn't use a credit card to pay for an emergency. But what if that's your only choice?

5 Reasons You Definitely Need Renters' Insurance

Yes, renters, you totally need to insure your stuff — and yourself — from mishaps big and small. Don't economize here!

How to Increase Your Child's Odds of Winning a Scholarship

Only the rarest of special snowflake students get scholarships, right? Wrong. Anyone can find money to help with school if they know where to look.

Help! I Lost My Job!

Did you lose your job? Here are tips for the recently laid off.

9 Online Retailers Who Let You Stack Coupons

If you're not stacking coupons, you're missing out on some huge online savings.

Homemade Dog Food: Recipe and Cost

Learn how to make your own dog food and save hundreds of dollars.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/2, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Back to School Savings! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Ace Your Next Performance Review With These 7 Tricks

If you're nervous about that upcoming performance review, here's how to make sure you get glowing feedback.

What Is Power of Attorney?

When aging or illness make financial decisions too dicey, folks can turn to a trustworthy third party known as power of attorney.

10 Expensive Things That Look Cheap

It's smart to spend more to buy quality and value. But it's doubly dumb to pay way, way more and wind up something that delivers so much less.

Is Your Summer Internship Program Legal?

Unfortunately, summer interns aren't short-term, low-cost administrative assistants.

Earn More Money by Demanding It

It can be very easy to be manipulated into accepting a lower salary than you are worth. Part of this is a lack of information - it's hard to know what a job should pay. The other p

SIX cool bar tricks that anyone can master.

As some of you regular Wise Bread readers know, I’m a big fan of bar tricks, friendly hustles and harmless wagers. Well, as we’re approaching the peak of partying season I thought

15 Cheap, Clever, and Attractive Ways to Save on Gift Wrapping Paper

Save some money on gift wrapping supplies this year by looking beyond the store gift wrap display and dressing your gifts in something out of the ordinary.

37 Brilliant Ways to Reuse an Empty Milk Jug

Don't throw that empty milk jug away! Put it to good use with these fun craft ideas