Articles on Frugal Living

6 Ways that Dieting and Budgeting are Exactly the Same

The New Year usually brings about two very common goals for most people: Getting in shape and getting their finances under control. Dieting is the number one method of achieving t

Advanced Grocery Deals: Catalinas

Have you mastered using coupons on regular grocery deals, taking advantage of clearance sales and buy-1-get-1 ofers? Then it's time to try some graduate-level deals: Catalinas.

How to find the sweet spot when buying electronics

The "sweet spot" is the ideal point where you get the highest performance (and quality) at an optimum price. It can refer to many types of goods, but electronics are of particular

Security is an illusion. Freedom is real.

There's a seeming tradeoff between freedom and security: You can stick with the day job or chuck it to live your dream--if you're willing to give up the security of the regular pa

Are Coupons For Everyone? A Review of the Couponizer (and a Giveaway)

I love the idea of coupons. Saving money? I'm so for the idea. Cutting, sorting, and saving little scraps of paper that will probably end up getting eaten by the baby or in the

The Key to Happiness: A Case Study

Let's explore the lives of two very different people with an aim to discover what the key to happiness is. It may be simpler than you think.

Making a good and memorable first impression.

As a professional ad man, I'm ashamed to say that I'm really not good at advertising, well, me. That goes double in social situations. I never know where to stand, how to eat, how

Entertainment Value: Start a Frugal Club

As you continue to work a full-time job, wrangle the kids, and make your money work for you, there are some sacrifices that you are making every day and you may not even realize it

How to create a speculative bubble and profit

Recently I read an enlightening story in the New York Times about the Pu'er tea bubble in Yunan, China. The burgundy fermented teas fetched prices of $150 a pound at the peak, but

6 Ways to Create a Great Home Gym For Less

If your New Year’s Resolutions involve exercising a bit more, you’re not alone. While the fitness industry won’t see as big a boom as they are used to this year, there’s still lot

Could you save money by subscribing to an addictive game?

During the Christmas break my husband and I went to dinner with some of his friends from high school. One couple we spoke with told us that they are trying to save money for a dow

Book Review: Tyranny of Dead Ideas

Matt Miller's new Tyranny of Dead Ideas proves to be an insightful, fun read.

Is it worth paying more for faster shipping?

"Free shipping" is often advertised as attractive bait for you to take action and buy something! That is, until you find out it's not free after all. Here are tips & tricks to help

Old calendars never really go out of date.

This little fact was big news to me. I was casually flicking through a magazine at work when something caught my eye; it was buried in the bottom corner of one page and stated that

3 Cheap and Easy Formulas for Homemade Windshield De-Icer (Plus Bonus Tips)

It’s that dreaded time of year. Each trip to town requires a 10-minute pre-start on my car, and the hated task of scraping my windshield. There are several options to help you wi

How to Avoid Putting on Recession Pounds

During hard times, eating cheap food may seem to make sense, but it can be more costly to us in the long run.

Book Review and Giveaway: Rich Brother Rich Sister

Robert Kiyosaki's latest book is a slight departure from the words of financial prowess he typically shares with his readers. If you want to know more - and to win a free copy to c

Book review: Game Over

Stephen Leeb's new book makes that case that we're running into resource limits on every front--energy, metals, water--and that this problem is going to affect everything we do. T

Organized tips on getting through tough times

If you like Wise Bread for all the tips and suggestions, here's another resource full of much the same kind of information, but organized differently. Instead of a blog, it's a bu

A Simple Remedy for the Economic Blues

During these trying times, a little physical activity can go a long way to lifting your spirits, and might even make you smarter.