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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

SavedPlus Giving Away $3,000 to Wise Bread Readers

Get $20 just for trying out this free tool and chance to win $1,000.

Time Is Money: Budget Them Both Out

We hear it all the time: Time is Money. But do we really treat our time with the same respect we treat our money? If we really do believe that time is valuable shouldn't we be budg

Help Make Wise Bread Better (and Win a Free Wise Bread Book)

I’m sure many of you remember Andrea’s recent Facebook ad debacle (the one where she was continually fed irrelevant, and sometimes insulting, ads while browsing.) Here at Wise Bre

Best Money Tips: How to Improve Your Social Skills in 6 Steps

Today we found articles on ways to improve your social skills, how to learn a foreign language quickly, and the most important investments you’ll ever make.

Do You Barter? -- Tell Us and Enter to win $10!

Do you consider yourself to be a wizard at bartering? Are you considering opting out of the money economy for even more of your day-to-day business? If you have a tip, opinion, o

Save $70,000 (or More!) With 4 Simple Credit Score Boosts

The benefits of good credit — reduced interest paid on purchases — can add up to many thousands of dollars. Learn how to start improving your credit today.

10 Tricks to Save Money with Credit Cards

The most credit savvy among us have been able to use credit cards to their benefit in order to wisely and optimally save money even while charging on their cards. If you are carefu

Best Money Tips: Eat These Super Foods to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

Today we found articles on super foods that help you build muscle, ways to get the job when you’re overqualified, and DIY projects that will lower your heating bills this winter.

Best Money Tips: Best Things to Buy in the Spring

Today we found some awesome articles on the best things to buy in the spring, amazing meals for $5 or less, and overcoming mistakes.

What Would It Take For You to Relocate for a Job?

Last year was a challenging year for American job seekers as corporations cut millions of jobs amidst the recession. This is why I was surprised to read that according to Challenge

The Surprising True Source of Wealth Creation (That You Probably Already Have)

Building substantial savings isn't all about investment. In fact, you might already have the best tool in your grasp.

Job-Search Scams that Target High Performers

Scams aren’t just for the unsophisticated. Even a reasonable job-seeker with an ounce of urgency might be convinced by polished, persistent schemers who are pros

The 5 Best Shower Curtains

Give your bathroom a whole new life with just one item. Use any of these shower curtains and your bathroom will look bold and brand-new.

How an Expensive Wardrobe Saves You Money

Sure, an expensive suit costs more upfront, but over time it pays its wearer back in dollars saved — and possibly in dollars earned.

Best Money Tips: How to Start Working from Home

Today, we share the steps to take when you want to work from home, a tutorial to make a reusable coffee cozy out of an old belt, and more.

Best Money Tips: Resume Buzzwords to Avoid

Today, we share the too-common terms to avoid on your job search, sincere ways to apologize, yummy stand-ins for dairy or mean, and more!

Choosing Your Path to Prosperity

You can enter a room where you could find wealth immediately, or one where you'll definitely find it...but the search might take years. Which do you choose?

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save $1,000 by Black Friday

Today we found some great articles on saving $1,000 by Black Friday, why you should book holiday travel now, and finding ideas for part time business.

Best Money Tips: 5 Things Everyone Should Splurge On

Today we found articles on things everyone should splurge on, tips to reduce food waste, and smart ways to manage your energy.

The 5 Best Folding Chairs

Getting cozy in the great outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these folding chairs and you can relax without getting dirty.