
Personal or Business? Parameters for Choosing a Credit Card

If you own a business, and would like to enjoy the benefits of a business card, there are a few considerations you may want to be aware of.

How to Increase the Chance of Someone Returning Your Lost Wallet

It’s not a fun feeling. You’ve reached the checkout at the grocery store, you feel into your pocket, or purse, and realize that your wallet is missing. You heart stops, you walk ou

Close-to-Home Outdoor Adventure Basics

I know many people would like to spend more time outdoors, but may not know where to start. Here are some of my favorite modes of outdoor exploration that doesn't require too much

Pesky Pests: Easy Homemade Mosquito and Insect Traps and Repellent

Keep those insects, ants, wasps, rodents, and other creepy crawlies at bay with these easy homemade recipes.

My best posts that got no attention

A few times I've written a post that I thought was good, but that seemed to vanish into the blogosphere without a trace. On my two-year anniversary of writing for Wise Bread, I

I Won't Eat or Spend While Standing Up

When we make big purchases or large financial commitments -- a car, a home, college tuition -- at some point in that process, we actually have to sit down. Why don't do we do that

Best Money Tips: El Nino is Coming

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup! This edition features Bank of America policy whistleblowers, credit freezes, getting enough sleep, the weather forecast for the

I Earned 20% More After Reading This Book

Within the last 30 days, I've increased my monthly income by about 20 percent and I give credit to to a book from 1944: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. In t

Tips for Avoiding a Foreclosure Prevention or Loan Modification Scam

Rising home foreclosures have made con artists very busy. These scammers use the public records to find homeowners who are in trouble, and then use a variety of schemes to take

When to Use Savings to Pay Off Debt

One of the most common questions over on the Wise Bread forum is some variation on, "I have $X in savings but $Y in credit card debt. Should I use the savings to pay down the debt?

Ready To Buy Some Exercise Equipment? Read This First.

Don’t worry, this is not an exposé on bad equipment or faulty products; I’m no expert on exercise machines and products. But I do know a little about human nature and after many ch

Latvians Mortgage Their Souls For Cash

Some Latvians are selling their souls for cash but not in an amoral or unethical way but literally signing away their souls for a maximum of $1,000. What's your threshold? What are

How will the federal minimum wage increase affect you?

On July 24th, 2009 the federal minimum wage will increase from $6.55 an hour to $7.25 an hour. This amounts to an increase of 10.7%. How will this change affect you?

Your SSN Can Now Be Accurately Guessed Using Date and Place of Birth

It seems that nothing is safe any more. And now your Social Security Number, the lynchpin to you credit score, taxes, government benefits and more, is under attack. It can be guess

10 Classes to Boost Earning & Savings Power

Education is one of the best ways to improve your financial situation. Here is my list of the 10 best classes that would boost my earnings and increase my savings.

Book review: Life Inc.

Corporations were invented a few hundred years ago--created to increase the wealth and power of favored businessmen (and the governments that favored them). They have become such

Would You Accept $200,000 If You Didn't Know Where It Came From?

You know, I hear a lot of people say that frugal people would do anything for dime. Personally, I think that applies more to greedy people, but it got me thinking of a question tha

25 Things to Do With Used Corks (Including Making Money With Them)

So you've popped open a bottle of, what do you do with the wine cork? You have a surprising number of options.

How Old Were You When You Started Saving? (Answer and Win!)

Share your savings experiences, and be entered to win one of two $10 Amazon Gift Cards and one of 6 prize packs from! To enter our Trivia Tuesday giveaway, simply a

New Income Based Federal Student Loans Repayment Plan - Can You Benefit?

This month a new repayment plan for federal student loans is going into effect that allows borrowers to base their monthly payments on their income after graduation. Here are some